Whether you’re cleaning your own home or hiring a professional house cleaner, it can be overwhelming to tackle the task at hand. However following a plan can help you get it done quickly and efficiently. Here are the most important things to remember:
Prep Your Tools
How much to charge for cleaning a 2000 sq ft houseroom, gather your supplies in a caddy, bucket, or tote that can easily be carried from one space to another. This will save you from running back and forth between your cleaning supplies, rags, and other essentials. For extra convenience, consider investing in a microfiber cleaning rag or spray bottle with a built-in squirter so you can keep it with you as you work.
Start by picking up and tidying (as suggested in home organization guru Marie Kondo’s book ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’). It’ll be much easier to clean once everything is put away.
Do a quick vacuum, sweep, and mop off the floor in each room (if applicable). Make sure to also dust high items like picture frames and baseboards as well as furniture surfaces.
Wipe Surfaces: Start with your countertops, then your sink and stove, and finally your mirrors and windows. For tough soap scum and hard water stains, try heating distilled vinegar on a cloth or sponge.
Finish by wiping down your appliances, drawers, and cabinets, tackling any clutter, and taking out the trash. It’s always a good idea to do a quick walk-through of your home, checking that all areas have been cleaned and there are no missed spots or spills.