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How to Stop Bots Submitting Forms

How to Stop Bots Submitting Forms

stop bots submitting forms

Stop bots submitting forms

In order to keep your website safe from malicious attacks, it is important to have a strong and secure contact form. Spambots, robots that scour the web, are the main culprits of submitting fake user data and invalid email addresses through your form.

Fortunately, there are several strategies that you can stop bots submitting forms implement to make your website less susceptible to spam bots. Here are a few of them:


One of the most popular methods is to add a captcha in your form fields. This method is simple to implement and will help reduce the amount of spam submitted to your site.

Preventing Form Spam: Essential Techniques for Blocking Bots and Improving Data Quality

Another method that prevents bots from submitting your forms is to create a fake field called a honeypot that is only visible for bots. This will alert the system that a submission is coming in and prevent it from getting through to your website.

Custom Questions

Adding custom text input fields that require a human to enter feedback or details can also help prevent bots from submitting your form. Most bots will fill these fields with gibberish, but this can be a good way to identify them and exclude them from your form.

Enforce Geolocation and Filter By Country

The most effective way to prevent spam from submitting your forms is by limiting them to IP addresses that you can verify or blacklist. You can do this by adding a rule to your WordPress admin dashboard.

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